Friday, October 18, 2013

Use Case Narratives

Identification Summary
Title: Report Project
Summary: By clicking the Report Project a user is attempting to report the project to an admin and await for further decisions.
1. User – Reports the project
2. Kickstarter team/staff – evaluates project
3. Kickstarter system – external system that provides info about the project

Creation Date: October 18 2013
Version: v1.0
Person in Charge: Student
Flow of Events
1. The User must have an account in Kickstarter

Main Success Scenario:
1. User logs in his/her account in Kickstarter.
2. User with his/her account in Kickstarter starts viewing projects by other people.
3. System displays all projects and its respective status.
4. User finds a project that which the user thinks may have violated some rules and regulations.
5. User clicks on Report Project button.
6. User fills out necessary details.
7. System picks up the request and notifies Kickstarter staff to check on it.
8. Kickstarter staff evaluates project if it is going above rules or simply wrong judgment.
9. User waits for further actions or decisions.

Alternative Sequences:
A4. User decides not to report project
1. User does not select any options available on the check box.
2. User closes checkbox.

Error Sequences:
E7. Project is already successfully launched/funded.
7. Kickstarter staff will have a different approach on the project.
8. Use case ends
E4. Project has been taken down or banned.
4. Use case ends

1. A report for the Kickstarter staff has been created.

UI (User Interface) Requirements:
- Account

Identification Summary
Title: Fund Project
Summary: Fund a Kickstarter project via online payment
1. User – Funds the project
2. Kickstarter team/staff – Process data concerning pledge amounts
3. Kickstarter system – external system that provides info about the project
4. Amazon payment system – external system that process online payment

Creation Date: October 18 2013
Version: v1.0
Person in Charge: Student
Flow of Events
1.       The User must have an account in Kickstarter.
2.       The User must have a valid credit card.

Main Success Scenario:
1. User logs in his/her account in Kickstarter.
2. User with his/her account in Kickstarter starts viewing projects by other people.
3. System displays all projects and its respective status.
4. User finds a project that catches user’s attention.
5. User clicks on Back This Project button.
6. User inputs Dollar amount.
7. User selects reward tier.
8. User is satisfied by their choice and proceeds by clicking the Continue to Amazon button.
9. Amazon requests account information.
10. User inputs account information.
11. User proceeds to logging in.
12. User selects mode of payment and which credit card to use.
13. User clicks Confirm to continue.
14. User goes back to project page

Alternative Sequences:
A5. User decides not to fund the project.
1. User does not provide any information on payment and reward tier.
2. Proceeds to step 14
A9. User does not have an account in Amazon, thus creating one.
1. User selects 2nd option in Amazon page.
2. User fills out necessary information.
3. Proceeds to step 10
A14. User would like to cancel/ change pledge.
1.  User selects Manage Your Pledge.
2. User inputs necessary information.
3. Proceeds to step 14

Error Sequences:
E7. Project is already launched/funded.
7. Button for Backing a project will not appear.
8. Use case ends.

1. A project in Kickstarter would be funded.
2. User will be able to manage their pledge.
3. User will receive notification about project status.

UI (User Interface) Requirements:
- Account

Identification Summary
Title: Start a Project
Summary: Start a project for people to back.
1. User – Starts the project.
2. Kickstarter Project Specialist – reviews project.
3. Kickstarter system – external system that provides info about the project.
4. Amazon payment system – external system that process online payment.

Creation Date: October 18 2013
Version: v1.0
Person in Charge: Student
Flow of Events
1.       The User must have an account in Kickstarter.
2.       The User must have a valid credit card.
3.       The User must have a verified account in Amazon.

Main Success Scenario:
1. User logs in his/her account in Kickstarter.
2. User clicks Start a Project.
3. User fills out basic information.
4. User fills out backer rewards.
                Repeat step 4 until satisfied with multiple reward tiers.
5. User fills out more information.
6. User fills out necessary information about online payments.
7. Amazon Payments verifies account.
6. User submits complete information.
7. Kickstarter system notifies administrators.
8. Kickstarter Project Specialist reviews project.
9. Kickstarter Project Specialist approves project.
10. User launches Project.

Alternative Sequences:
A5. User decides not fill any information yet.
1. User does not provide any information.
2. Proceeds to step 6
A9. Project Specialist disapproves of project and requests change/editing.
1. Project Specialist informs user of problems.
2. User applies changes to better fit regulations.
3. Proceeds to step 8

Error Sequences:
E1. User is not eligible to start a project in Kickstarer due to location.
1. Ends case

1. A new project in Kickstarter would appear.

UI (User Interface) Requirements:
- Account

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