Friday, October 25, 2013

Use Cases

Groupon sample Use Case Diagram
Groupon is a popular deal-of-the-day website that feature discounted offers that could be used at local or national companies.


Groupon from Irwin Dayak

1. Groupon can be classified as a TPS or Transaction Processing system

Users can obtain deals daily and Groupon updates their offers often

2. Groupon can also be classified as a DSS or Decision support system

Groupon also handles other business' marketing

Interview on Eric Lefkosky co-founder of Groupon

I learned from the interview that is important to build a solid base. An entrepreneur can't keep on pursuing bigger and better things if its base keeps crumbling. Another important lesson from the interview is very simple. You must keep firm and stay on course as your business morphs and shifts. Being persistent pays off. As the co-founder of Groupon states that mobile may be the next big thing I also agree to it. Something as small as an object that can fit in you pocket can have enormous potential. In the future more and more things can get integrated into our mobile phones such as mobile purchases. This could introduce the next big thing, the mobile market.

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