Friday, November 8, 2013

Use cases

Identification Summary

Title: Obtaining Barangay Clearance
Summary: This use case describes the steps involved in obtaining a barangay clearance.
1. Applicant - requests the barangay clearance
2. Barangay Staff - files and prints the clearance
3. Barangay Captain - approves clearance

Creation Date: Nov. 8 2013                                                        Date of update: Nov. 8 2013
Version: 1.0                                                                                  Person in charge: Student   

Flow of Events
1. Applicant must have a valid government I.D.
2. Applicant must be a resident in the barangay

Main Success Scenario:
1. Applicant arrives at the barangay hall.
2. Applicant requests the barangay clearance from the barangay staff.
3. Barangay staff receives request.
4. Barangay staff requests applicants government I.D.
5. Applicant accomplishes requirements.
6. Barangay staff fills out missing information in the base copy of the clearance.
7. Barangay staff prints out the clearance.
8. Barangay staff hands print out to barangay captain.
9. Barangay captain approves clearance.
10. Barangay captain hands the clearance to applicant.
11. Applicant checks everything and signs the clearance to complete transaction.

Alternative Sequences:
A8. Barangay Captain is not present
1. Barangay staff double checks the paper personally.
2. Barangay staff hands clearance to applicant.
3. Proceeds to step 11.

Error Sequences:
1. None

1. Applicant has a barangay clearance.

Obtaining a Barangay Clearance Activity Diagram


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